To edit the “Fan Pass Connect” box’s labels, follow these steps:
- Access your store’s admin and navigate to “Themes” under the “Online Store” Sales channels.
- Launch the options menu of the backup theme previously created and select “Edit code”.
- In the code view sidebar, locate and expand the “Snippets” directory.
- Open the file that you would like to edit the labels for e.g. “fanpass-connect.liquid”.
- Liquid variables storing the labels are displayed at the top of each snippet (example shown below). You can adjust the default quoted values to suit your specific requirements.
{% comment %} Fan Pass Connect Labels {% endcomment %}
{%- liquid
assign heading = 'Fan Pass'
assign description = 'Connect and view your Fan Pass'
assign connected_heading = 'Fan Pass'
assign valid_message = 'Your Fan Pass is connected'
assign invalid_message = "You don't have a valid pass."
assign link_text = "Don't have a Fan Pass?"
assign link_label = 'Get it here'