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  2. Preparing your store
  3. Shopify OS1 Theme Integration Guide
  4. How do I set up Gated Products within a Shopify OS1 theme?

How do I set up Gated Products within a Shopify OS1 theme?

Follow these steps to enable gating on your product template:

  1. Access your store’s admin and navigate to “Themes” under the “Online Store” Sales channels.
  2. Launch the options menu of the backup theme previously created and select “Edit code”.
  3. In the code view sidebar, locate and expand the “Snippets” directory.
  4. At the top of the list of Liquid files, choose “Add a new snippet”.
  5. Create a new snippet titled “fanpass-gated-product”.
  6. Paste the code block below into the fanpass-gated-product.liquid snippet just created and save the file.
{% comment %}

 Fan Pass Gated Product

{% endcomment %}

{% comment %} Fan Pass Gated Product Labels {% endcomment %}

{%- liquid

  assign gated_heading = 'Fan Pass holder exclusive'

  assign gated_message = 'To unlock this product connect your Fan Pass'

  assign discount_heading = 'Fan Pass holder'

  assign discount_message = 'To unlock your discount connect your Fan Pass'

  assign link_text = "Don't have a Fan Pass?"

 assign link_label = 'Get it here'


{%- liquid

  assign currentVariant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant

  assign gates = currentVariant.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.gates.value

  assign firstGate = gates.first

  assign price_selector = '[data-cirkay-price]'


{% if product.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.fanPassUnlock != blank %}

  {%- liquid

    assign discount = false

    if firstGate.gateType == 'discount'

      assign discount = true

      assign default_discount_heading_text = discount_heading

      assign default_discount_description_text = discount_message


      assign default_gate_heading_text = gated_heading

      assign default_gate_description_text = gated_message


    if discount

      if firstGate.discount.type == 'amount'

        assign value = firstGate.discount.value | remove: '.00'

        assign heading = default_discount_heading_text | append: ' ' | append: cart.currency.symbol | append: value | append: ' discount'


        assign value = firstGate.discount.value | remove: '.00' | append: '% discount'

        assign heading = default_discount_heading_text | append: ' ' | append: value


      assign description = default_discount_description_text


      assign heading = default_gate_heading_text

      assign description = default_gate_description_text



  <script id="fan-pass-gated">

    window.cirkayFanPassGated = {

      theme: {

        price_selector: "{{price_selector}}"


       shop: {

          id: {{ shop.id }},

          domain: "{{ shop.domain }}",

          permanentDomain: "{{ shop.permanent_domain }}",

          cartCurrency: "{{ cart.currency.symbol }}",

          cartIsoCode: "{%- if settings.currency_code_enabled -%}{{ cart.currency.iso_code }}{%- endif -%}"


       settings: {

          loginHide: false



          {% for variant in product.variants %}

             "{{ variant.id }}": [

                {% if variant.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.gates.value != nil and variant.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.gates.value.size > 0 %}

                   {% for gate in variant.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.gates.value %}


                         {% assign fanPassId = gate.fanPassId %}

                         {% assign fanPassProductKey = "fanPass-" | append: fanPassId %}

                         {% if shop.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp[fanPassProductKey] %}

                            product: {

                               title: "{{ shop.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp[fanPassProductKey].value.title }}",

                               url: "{{ shop.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp[fanPassProductKey].value.url }}"


                         {% endif %}

                         {% if gate.gateType == 'discount' %}

                            discount: {

                               value: {{ gate.discount.value }},

                               type: "{{ gate.discount.type }}"


                         {% endif %}

                         gateType: "{{ gate.gateType }}",

                         fanPassId: "{{ gate.fanPassId }}"

                      }{% if gate != variant.metafields.cirkayFanPassApp.gates.value.last %},{% endif %}

                   {% endfor %}

                {% endif %}

             ]{% if variant != product.variants.last %},{% endif %}

          {% endfor %}


       variants: {{ product.variants | json }}




    fanpass-unlockproduct {

      display: block;

      margin: 2rem 0;



  <div data-fan-pass-unlock-container>


      heading="{{ heading }}"

      description="{{ description }}"

      ?discount="{{ discount }}"

      linkLabel="{{ link_label }}"

      linkText="{{ link_text }}"

      variantId="{{ currentVariant.id }}"




    <script src="https://dihg6nd5w39nh.cloudfront.net/production/assets/fanPassGated.js"></script>


{%- endif -%}

{% comment %}

  END Fan Pass Gated Product
{% endcomment %}
  1. From the theme code editor, navigate to the “Sections” directory.
  2. Open the “product-template.liquid” file.
  3. Find the “{% endform %}“ liquid tag within the file.
  4. Insert the below code somewhere after the form closing tag and save the file – position the code accordingly to fit your theme’s layout but ensure that the code is not placed within the product form.
{%- comment -%}

    Fan Pass Gated Product

{%- endcomment -%}

{% include 'fanpass-gated-product' %}
  1. Return to the “Themes” section and open the theme editor for the backup theme by selecting the “Customize” button.
  2. Open the theme’s Templates list, go to the “Default product” template under Products and preview a gated product that you have configured within the Fan Pass app to review the operation and display of the “Fan Pass Connect” block on your page.
  3. Finally, you will need to configure the Fan Pass within the app to complete set up for the relevant products.
Updated on 09/29/2023

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